Your Style

High Gloss
High gloss wardrobe with red sliding doors and pull down hanging

Feature Wardrobe
This featured wardrobe with pink lights within the box shelving to the side – was inspired by the customer’s daughter’s love of bright colours. This wardrobe looked spectacular but completely came to life when lights were dimmed giving a fantastic affect.

We are able to provide bespoke furniture that will portray your sense of style – whether it be minimalistic design or full on bright and vibrant colours. Check out a few of these images displaying the sense of style and uniqueness of our storage solutions. Remember you can personally design every part of your wardrobe or unit, alternatively we can help you through every step of the way.

This avengers wardrobe is our 7 year old son’s style – this wardrobe consists of glass doors with his favourite scene from the avenger movie vinyled on to the glass. Our son certainly feels he has the coolest bedroom in town with his wardrobe and bespoke Iron Man Red bed complete with shelving.
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020 7127 4315
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The Sliding Wardrobe Company have been members of Checkatrade since April 2016